1:1 Mentorship For Electronic Music Production With Dylan Lohrstorfer (All Levels)
Monthly tutoring with with ShadowStar of mau5trap, IamTechno(IAMT), and ProducerDojo.
Monthly tutoring with with ShadowStar of mau5trap, IamTechno(IAMT), and ProducerDojo.
Once a month you spend an hour with Dylan working together directly on your Ableton Project. The session will be carried out in a collaborative fashion, as if Dylan is your studio partner working with you to improve your project as much as possible, all while clearly explaining the what, the how, and the why. Dylan will also point out any obvious weaknesses and offer advice on how to turn them into strengths. The session will also be recorded for you to view and reference at your own leisure.
Over the years we have found this to be the most effective method. And the quickest path to improvement.
Here's a clip of Dylan teaching a modulation concept called Aleatoric Generation.
Please fill out the form below so we can find out a bit about you before we get started. :)
While Dylan specializes in the darker side of melodic techno he's a highly skilled producer capable of helping you with whatever genre you're working in. He's also worked with students of all levels, so fear not! You're in good hands.
Dylan is proficient in Ableton. If you are a user of anything else we can still take you on as a student, and most concepts can be easily translated into other DAWs. However, the coaching sessions won't be as productive and in-depth as Dylan wouldn't be working directly on your project.
When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.
For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.